The benefits of eating fresh oysters

The oyster, is on menus all over the world. Its unique texture and flavor are unlike any other type of seafood in the world. Various species are cultivated worldwide. The best oysters in Europe are the Marenne verte in France, the Belon and the English Whit sable. Most oysters are sold raw, although some are frozen, canned, or bottled in fresh water.

There are two common types of oysters people like to buy: they are simply called a cup or a plate. The texture and flavor of each vary greatly from species to species, deriving their individual flavor from their environment.

It is best to store them on a bed of ice or in a perforated box wrapped in damp clothing. Make sure oysters don't drown in melting ice or go underwater in a crate or cooler; Remember that oysters are creatures that very quickly deplete the amount of oxygen that is present in a small volume of water.

Edible oysters have been part of the human diet for 700 years, but they may have been eaten raw or cooked for longer. The meat in the oyster is the edible part; Once the shell is open, the meat can be cooked in a variety of ways.

Oysters contain a large amount of vitamins, minerals and organic compounds. Other nutritional components include selenium, iron, manganese, copper, vitamin B12, vitamin D and a high protein content. They are also an excellent source of water, omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants and cholesterol. They also contain sodium, potassium, phosphorus, riboflavin, niacin, and vitamin C.

These elements make oysters a very healthy food that can greatly improve overall health and bodily functions.

Eating oysters can help boost the immune system. The vitamin C and E content, along with other minerals, contain anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that protect the body from free radicals created by cellular metabolism. These radicals can mutate the DNA of healthy cells into cancer cells. Wherever they are, they can also cause premature aging, heart disease, and general deterioration of the body. These free radicals can be scavenged by the antioxidants and vitamins contained in oysters.

Oysters can also help increase libido in men. It contains incredible zinc levels and over 1500% of the daily dose in just one serving. Zinc deficiency has been closely linked to erectile dysfunction and impotence. Oysters can restore men's sexual energy and increase their masculinity.

Oysters also have a large reserve of iron, they contain more than 90% of what the body needs per day. Iron is an important element in the production of red blood cells in the human body and helps prevent anemia, an iron deficiency that leads to upset stomach, cognitive dysfunction, fatigue and general muscle weakness.

When fresh and healthy blood cells are supplied to the circulatory system, the organs have high levels of oxygenated blood to support their activities, allowing them to function efficiently.

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