Chicken Meat Grilled Fried Delicious But

 Is It Safe To Eat Chicken?

With the constantly growing world population, food can become scarce if it is not produced in sufficient quantities. Against this background, meat and other foods are heading towards overproduction. Can you imagine that laying hens are now being manipulated into laying more than one egg a day? These hens are fed highly fortified minerals and hormone boosters that encourage the hens to lay 2-3 eggs a day. One day man will invent planting machines, I wonder if we will live long enough to dare try one.

What about the chicken meat supply? The demand for chicken meat in our market has encouraged more farmers to grow it on a commercial scale focused solely on meat. These farmers could not afford losses, so these chickens are fed harmful industrial feed pellets that contain hormones and antibiotics. Growth hormones are given to speed up the growth of the chicken while antibiotics are given to prevent these chickens from getting sick and dying. No farmer is willing to accept losses. Profit seeking is also one of the main reasons.

If you want to know the whole ugly truth about this disgusting affair, check out John Robbins' books.

Just to copy some of what he said. “The way chickens are produced for the market today is even more of a horror story than pigs and cows. Up to 40,000 chickens are locked in steel cages in 'poultry jails' on several floors, with two or three 'prisoners' crammed into each cell.

Over 800 million chickens are killed for their meat in the UK each year. They are locked up in their prisons in steel cages no larger than a sheet of A4 paper. These chicks are selectively bred and loaded with drugs to reach 'slaughter size' in under 41 days. Today these chickens are slaughtered while their eyes are still blue and "chirping". In fact, these chickens are chicks in adult bodies. Because of their obese bodies, most of them are paralyzed because their legs cannot support their body weight. Can you believe it?"

Some fast food restaurants only require 26-day-old chickens to roast and serve to customers. Most of us never investigate the true origin of these foods. Spring chickens are also popular in some restaurants. I wonder if you personally took part in raising and killing these chickens to be brave enough to eat them?

So the best thing to do is try to "find out the truth" about that chicken that almost all housewives cook for lunch or dinner. And feed their parents growth hormones and antibiotics found in chicken meat. These meats endanger our health in one way or another. Housewives should be made aware of these truths. Whether we know it or not, we shouldn't choose too many meat dishes in our meals. Too much of anything is never too good.

Free range chickens? Yes, here is the only source of healthy meat. They are not only healthy, but also very tasty and fresh. Free range chickens can still be found in some rural areas. They are fed corn and left on the farm in search of worms and insects and can only be eaten after 6 months. We would be glad if he could get reliable sources from trusted friends. Free-range eggs are also great sources of nutritious protein.

For this reason, some farmers also breed their own so-called free-range chickens for sale. Don't be fooled by the vendors who promised you farm chicken and sold it to unsuspecting customers at an unreasonable price. Look at his beak, are they "mangled" and his feet old enough to have another "toe"? While these birds look like free-range chickens, they are actually raised in a larger cage than prison birds. They are also given these "medications" to boost their immune system and grow as fast as possible. Perhaps the only difference is that these breeds are local and appear slimmer and taller.

Think carefully, why are we taking these risks by endangering our family or loved ones with this chicken meat? If they come from unknown sources, I advise you not to spend unnecessary money on unhealthy food. Spent money can be easily earned, but lost health cannot be easily replaced. Just try to understand that there are many other options, healthier and fresher foods, for a healthier and happier life!

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